Pure Milk Products

Bottle sizes : 500ml

Get at your Doorstep

Milchy Milk delivers fresh, hygienic milk from high-end farms directly to the door in an easy-to-use pouch without touching it. Give your family pure, chemical-free, unadastrated milk Every morning.

Milchy Milk delivers farm-fresh milk to your home from these cattle farms within hours of milking: this is like having a cowshed in the backyard of an urban house. "Our milk contains no chemicals, pesticides, growth promoters, or preservatives." For some traditional brands, milk spends four to five days in the supply chain and gets processed in large quantities for consistency. Milchy Milk only provides farm-fresh, which is healthy and safe.

Milchy Milk comes from a farm outside Hyderabad. State-of-the-art technology used in milking, pasteurization, and bottling keeps milk clean and safe. The natural goodness of milk is preserved by continuously storing it at 4 degrees until it is ready to ship.

We feed our cows/buffaloes freshly harvested green-feed from nearby fields & we support them with home-grown fodder, which increases the nutritional value of milk. The farm's free stall system allows cows/buffalo to eat whenever they are hungry and support the energy they need all day long. Cows consume chemical-free green feed. The farm also ensures that cattle/buffalo are in hygienic and environmentally sound conditions. We do not inject hormones into cows to increase milk production. The milking process remains untouched by human hands & loved by cows.

Healthy cows make healthy milk. Healthy milk makes a healthy nation.

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